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Vietnam- Country and People



In 1986, the government initiated a policy of reform called Doi Moi. It triggered non profit organization_vietnam_mapongoing economic liberalization. The result has been a dramatic increase in foreign investment and economic growth. Vietnam is now a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). On July 13, 2000, the United States and Viet Nam officially normalized trade relations.

  A country of almost 80 million people, approximately the size of New Mexico, it has only started on the long road to economic prosperity. But the raw material and resources are there. The greatest natural resource is, underniably, the people.

  Last century, Viet Nam fought wars with France, Japan, the United States, China and Cambodia. The new millennium is ushering in a   preriod of potential prosperity in the wake of peace. With the government continuing its enlightened policy of Doi Moi and freedom, Vietnam has the real potential to be one of the great economic success stories of the twenty-first century. As we know, education is the key to success, and this is where you can help with donating your time or money, whatever possible.

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