The natural effect of so much activity has been the offer of more opportunities to do things. We have crossed paths and worked a variety of other institutions and industries and now are in a position to do so much more. The universal nature of a library makes this possible.

We have begun relationships with three Vietnamese Universities and one Medical College to date; Hue Medical College, Hanoi University of Foreign Studies, Dong Vi College of Decorative Arts, Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages and Information Technology. From time to time we receive a request for a specific College level text. We can help with this kind of thing. Hanoi University is indispensable in our process of bringing books into Vietnam for our charitable Libraries and other institutions & opportunities for teaching have arisen, partnering on other educational and library experiments are coming. We have support and valuable advice in the development of a National Library System from these officials, including proposals for revenue generation in at least a small stream from our facilities. In
November 17, 2003, with the co-operation of Mike Meyer- VFW Foundation's Secretary, we arranged for Honorable
Charles Hostler, Former US Ambassador and Past CEO of People to People
International and delegation to visit Hanoi University of Foreign Studies.
With our successful project with orphanages in Vietnam, we look to bring the program to help those who need our help the most, children with no parents. Donations for these children can also be made by filling out this form.
We are talking now with schools and universities in Viet Nam to offer speakers on various subjects important in offering a wide experience to our Vietnamese partners. |
We are now associated with The Gioi Publishing in Hanoi in the development of a series of comic books in English and Vietnamese that will use American history, tradition, myth and lore as its subjects and be used for English instruction in Vietnam. We are working on books in Lao and Hmong for our Lao libraries.
Charles Engleken, V.P., and Ross Worley CEO of Wall-Ties & Forms, Inc. who are one of the Library Project 's strongest supporters and also co-founders of Library of Laos took over more than 200 Hoopoe illustrated children’s books to Ministers in Kabul in 2006. Ross Worley and Sally Mallam, the publisher, met this week to celebrate the MOE approval for a Hoopoe Books program to start this year in Afghanistan.
Hoopoe Books (www.hoopoekids.com) publishes traditional Afghan stories used in early childhood education programs in the US to develop literacy, thinking skills and cross-cultural understanding. They are delighted to be able to return these universal stories in book form to the children of Afghanistan. |
The encouragement of student travel and exchanges both ways are part of this charity. Mary Eisenhower's People to People International sponsors travel and world peace symposiums and is famous for their tireless efforts at bringing people together in answering the mission set out by the Founder, President Eisenhower. In the course of our work we meet students who would take such golden experiences with them the rest of their lives. In partnering, we hope to be able to make new opportunities for such travel, education and experience available to more students from Vietnam and Laos.
However, for the most that cannot travel, we encourage and facilitate pen-pal and educational exchanges electronically and through USA student travel going to them. In 2001, Krista Tainter, 16, of Westby, Wisconsin went to Vietnam with her mother Colette and helped put on a charitable Christmas Party for 200 orphans as well as traveling with us through our Library business. She was quite a different person on her return to America.
We will look to our Library of Vietnam Project to offer guidance and support in our desire to have a Library of Laos Scholarship for which students who use our libraries would be eligible. We will have a representative on the selection board. |